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The Roots of Pain

This weekend was really beautiful! I couldn’t help but go into my garden and do a little weeding to take advantage of the sunshine. As I was weeding, I was thinking about pain. Correlations between the two began to take shape: There are many reasons for being in pain: Some are self-induced, some the result

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Food and Arthritis

So often, we think that our bad food choices only affect our digestion, and maybe diabetes as well. But does food have a direct bearing on our joints? Absolutely! The food we eat isn’t just about satisfying a piece of meat in our mouths called a tongue. It is about nourishing our tissues to keep

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The Health of Skin

A year ago my mother was up to visit. As we sat across from each other at breakfast, she unexpectedly blurted out “I’m sorry I’m so wrinkled. I didn’t know in my early days to take care of my skin to prevent wrinkles.” As I was pondering that, I thought of how lucky we are

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The Gray Areas in Health

In so many areas of life, things fall in the gray area, and health is no exception. The “gray area” is defined on as “an undefined situation or subject that does not seem to conform to known categories or rules; an intermediate area or topic that is not clearly defined.” It is neither the extremes of black or white, but a melding of the two, creating many shades of gray – some more white than black, others more

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