Lending Library

At Vital Health we are dedicated to helping our patients and our community educate themselves with the knowledge necessary to achieve and sustain vital health in their lives. Towards that end, we have set up a lending library in our health center. The lending library contains numerous books on a number of natural health care topics.
The lending library is open to the public. All we ask is a credit card number or a check to secure the book. When the book is returned, your credit card information or check will be shredded. In the event that the book is not returned within the time period allotted (a month), we will assume you would like to purchase the book and will charge your credit card or deposit your check.
You are welcome to stop by anytime (that we are open) and borrow a book. We look forward to seeing you and helping you in your learning process.
Recommended Reading List
Deep Nutrition, by Catherine Shanahan, M.D.
“This is an important book. I recommend that all of my patients read this book. It will change your life and the lives of your descendants.” – Dr. Carling
Deep Nutrition identifies the foods and techniques common to every culture and divides them into four categories, called the Four Pillars of World Cuisine. From the Masai and ancient Egyptian to the Japanese and the French, you’ll learn how the same Four Pillars form the foundation of all the healthiest diets. Using the latest research in physiology and genetics, the authors explain why your family’s health depends on eating these foods. In a world of competing nutritional ideologies, Deep Nutrition gives us the full picture, empowering us to take control of our destiny in ways we might never have imagined.
Going Back to the Basics of Human Health, by Mary Frost, M.A.
Are you tired of all the confusion from slick television ads by the commercial food industry and the pharmaceutical companies? Then you will thoroughly enjoy this book. Going Back to the Basics of Human Health is just what the name implies. It gives us clear and concise answers to many of our own health issues that we face today. Mary Frost has laid out a simple message that we have all conveniently forgotten, which is, “You can’t mess with Mother Nature” without paying the price. The United States has one of the most advanced trauma care systems in the world; yet, we have failed miserably in supporting our everyday health needs. This book is a fun and easy read mixed with sobering information.
Empty Harvest: Understanding the Link Between Our Food, Our Immunity and Our Planet, by Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson
Empty Harvest puts together a sober picture of how interconnected man is to the earth, and how this connection is being destroyed – link by link. While looking at the better-known man-made disasters such as the “greenhouse effect,” the indiscriminate use of toxic pesticides, and the wholesale destruction of the world’s forests, it clearly focuses on the existing dangers inherent in our agricultural system. It provides startling new information about problems that have been hidden from the general public – the demineralization of our soil, the declining nutritional values of our food supply, the resulting weakening of our bodies’ immune systems, and much more. Empty Harvest is a ground breaking book that examines just what the total problem represents.
Why Do I Need Whole Food Supplements? By Lorrie Medford, C.N.
In Why Do I Need Whole Food Supplements?, you will discover:
• The five major reasons why we need to supplement our diet.
• Why good soil is so vital for our health.
• Why all supplements are not alike.
• How synthetic vitamins can hurt you.
• Potency: If a little is good, is more really better?
• What supplements do you really need?
Good Foods/Bad Foods, by Judith DeCava, CNC, CCWFN, LNC
Good Foods/Bad Foods will help you understand whole food nutrition. DeCava differentiates whole food complexes from synthesized isolates that the food/pharma industry market. Her statement “Food is far more than the sum of its parts.” should remind us that unprocessed whole foods must be the foundation for a healthy long life that resists disease and degeneration. Just one carrot grown in good healthy soil can contain more than 25 essential vitamins and minerals working synergistically to give us life-enhancing nourishment.
Pottenger's Cats: A Study in Nutrition, by Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., M.D.
Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD was dedicated to the prevention of chronic illness. In his classic feeding experiments, more than 900 cats were studied over ten years. Dr. Pottenger found that only diets containing 100% raw milk and raw meat produced optimal health. This was reflected in good bone structure, wide palates with plenty of space for teeth, shiny fur, reproductive ease, gentle disposition, and the absence of parasites or disease.
The consumption of cooked meat or heat-processed milk resulted in physical deterioration, which increased with each generation. The animals became infested with vermin and parasites. Skin diseases and allergies increased in some cases by over 90%. Bones became soft and pliable. The cats experienced adverse personality changes as well as hypothyroidism, and came to suffer from most of the degenerative diseases seen in humans. The third generation did not even live long enough to reproduce.
Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, by Udo Erasmus
Healing fats are required, together with other nutrients, to prevent and reverse so-called “incurable” degenerative disease, heart disease, cancer, and Type 2 diabetes. Healing fats help reverse arthritis, obesity, PMS, allergies, asthma, skin conditions, fatigue, yeast and fungal infections, addictions, certain types of mental illness, and many other conditions. Good fats also enhance athletic performance, skin beauty, longevity, and energy levels.
Contrary to popular belief based on advertising hype, the most dangerous fats are typically found in margarine, shortenings, and heated oils.
Fats that Heal Fats that Kill exposes the manufacturing processes that turn healing fats into killing fats, explains the effects of these damaged fats on human health, and discloses the information that enables you to choose health-promoting oils.
Fats that Heal Fats that Kill brings you the most current research on common and lesser known oils with therapeutic potential: flax, hemp, olive, fish, evening primrose, borage, black currant, and even the much maligned snake oil. You may be shocked and surprised by what you learn.
Lick the Sugar Habit, by Nancy Appleton, PhD
We are a nation of sugarholics, slaves and victims of sugar. We consume, on the average, nearly 150 pounds of sugar and sweeteners a year. Now, Nancy Appleton, Ph.D., shows you how sugar upsets the body chemistry and devastates the endocrine and immune systems, leading to a host of diseases and conditions including hypoglycemia, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, headaches, allergies, asthma, obesity, periodontal disease, tooth decay, and more. A sugarholic since childhood, Dr. Appleton cured herself of chronic illnesses including bronchitis and pneumonia by changing her lifestyle. Here is her self-help program to help you lick the sugar habit and live a healthier life. She explains how it worked for her…and how it can work for you.