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Podcast Episode Thirteen: Managing Stress, Anxiety and Depression

We all experience stressors in our day-to-day lives. But consistent stress can take a toll on our bodies, and it can eventually lead to conditions like anxiety and depression. Luckily, most cases of anxiety and depression can be managed with simple lifestyle changes and medical care. In this episode, we’re breaking down the differences between

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Podcast Episode Twelve: How to Combat “Brain Fog” & Improve Mental Clarity

Is your memory a little fuzzy? Do you have trouble focusing? If so, you might be experiencing “brain fog,” or a general lack of mental clarity. Not only is it more common than you may think, but most people don’t realize that their daily lifestyle choices may be causing it. In this episode, we’re discussing

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Podcast Episode Eleven: Taking Charge of Your Cardiovascular Health

Cholesterol affects cardiovascular health. But its effect isn’t black and white. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. But why? Why do heart attacks and strokes occur? Why is medication alone not the answer? Why does the quality of the food and minerals that we ingest matter? In today’s episode,

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Podcast Episode Nine: How to Naturally Improve Your Hormone Production

Hormones do much more than affect your mood. In fact, they’re the messengers responsible for keeping your entire body functioning as it should. Unfortunately, many of us struggle with hormone production. And even worse, the “cures” we’ve been using might actually be doing us more harm than good. In this episode, we’re discussing how hormones

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