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Podcast Episode Twenty-Nine: Cancer Support and Prevention

Cancer is not a topic that people like to talk about. But numbers are clearly increasing, especially in light of recategorization of cancer types as well as newly discovered cancer types. Even though it’s a scary disease, it is not something to avoid and ignore. We all know that the earlier cancer is detected, the […]

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Podcast Episode Twenty-Eight: Tackling Inflammation

What do you think when you hear the wordinflammation? Most people would say something like, “Oh, that’s bad.” But thetruth is that inflammation is both good and bad. Inflammation is anecessary part of the healing process, but prolonged inflammation is bad foryour body and is a common link to many diseases. In today’s episode, we’lldiscuss

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Spring Critters

As is the case for Spring, year after year, while we look forward to our colorful array of flowers to appear, instead, breaking the soil is allergies, colds and the flu. The radical changes in weather, combined with lack of sunshine, a more sedentary lifestyle and other factors, seem to weaken the immune system and

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Podcast Episode Twenty-Seven: Understanding Andropause

Andropause. If you haven’t heard of it, you’re not alone. Sometimes called “male menopause,” it occurs when testosterone levels decrease in men. Though first recognized in 1940, it has been difficult to test and correctly diagnose. In today’s episode, we’ll discuss the signs and symptoms to look out for in men, especially after age 40,

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Podcast Episode Twenty-Five: What You Need to Know About Acupuncture

Here at Vital Health, we’re huge advocates for combining ancient traditions with modern medical practices. One of our favorite tools, acupuncture, strikes that perfect balance. And not only does it treat discomfort and pain, but it also treats the underlying causes of these symptoms in a way that works with your body’s natural processes, not

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