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Why Detox?

Daily our bodies have to contend with a barrage of toxins in addition to its normal daily task of supporting your health.  We live in a polluted environment that affects the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.  It is in our homes, our work environment, our cars and even […]

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Dental Nutrition

When we think of dental health, we think of the advice of current dentists: “brush and floss after every meal”, “use fluoride”, and “see your dentist regularly for dental cleanings and examinations”. Yet hundreds of years ago, tooth brushes, floss, topical and oral fluoride, and dentists didn’t exist, yet dental health appeared to be quite

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Children in Crisis

Part I Today’s children are in a crisis!  In this two part series we will discuss several problems gaining momentum with our children that, when we are educated, can have a great influence to change.  There are more industries targeting children now, than anytime in our history.   Through the media they are targeted by the

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Cancer Concerns

Cancer is probably one of the most controversial subjects today. When doing research on cancer statistics, it appears cancer is on the decline. Yet the numbers of people we encounter that succumb to cancer is clearly increasing. How can that be? There are many answers to that question. One reason is that the types of

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