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The Drug No One Wants To Talk About

When discussing addictions, we think about illegal drugs, certain medications, smoking and alcohol. Rarely do we even think about, much less talk about, sugar. According to research studies, sugar is more addictive than cocaine, heroin, and alcohol! Yet, it is considered “acceptable”. Professor Bart Hoebel of Princeton University Department of Psychology and the Princeton Neuroscience […]

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Thankful for Health

This week we typically spend extra time looking at the things we are thankful for. Amongst many, many, other things, I am thankful for my health. I am thankful, that in my early 60’s, I am not taking any medications (though I take a good fistful of supplements!), and I have not had any organs

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Test Your Stress

If we really evaluated stress, its impact in our lives, and especially on our health, we would be wise to approach it like an inventor would. When a company produces a new product, during research and development, it must go through stringent testing. Tests frequently used are Stress Tests. There are two basic types of

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Teeth in Your Stomach

I regularly have people coming to me with digestive disorders. Heartburn, reflux, IBS, ulcers, diverticulitis, Crohn’s Disease, Colitis, constipation, persistent diarrhea, etc. I love treating digestive disorders because when we straighten it out, it’s amazing how many other health maladies straighten out as a result. One question I frequently ask is “Do you have teeth

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