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Podcast Episode 133: Why Identifying Emotions Gives You Power

When you can identify your emotions, you have the power to shape how they affect your emotional well-being. Let’s challenge the conventional understanding of depression as a standalone condition, proposing instead that it is a complex amalgamation of emotions.  This discussion not only sheds light on common misunderstandings about depression but also provides practical advice

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Auto-Immune Insights

From a Western Medical perspective, an autoimmune disease is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells, tissues and organs. Instead of focusing on harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses, it appears to get confused between healthy cells and harmful invaders, leading it to attack normal cells. Treatment involves

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Podcast Episode 132: All About the Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mother and Baby

We’ve been told that breastfeeding is best when it comes to feeding newborns, but do you really know why? And do you know all the benefits breastfeeding has not just for baby but for mom too? In this episode, Dr. Holly Carling shares the extensive benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and child. Breastfeeding is

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Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease Naturally

Inflammatory Bowel Disease can be an uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing condition, often leading to lifestyle changes to accommodate this disease.  There is often confusion between Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The difference is between function and pathology. IBS seems to be more of function – slow gastrointestinal motility, sensitivity to foods,

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Podcast Episode 130: Conquering Belly Fat: Insights and Strategies for Optimal Health

Belly fat can be frustrating for so many people, but the struggle really comes from not understanding what it is and how to combat it. When we educate ourselves on the differences between good and bad fats and how to eat for optimal health, it can make a huge impact. In this podcast episode, Dr.

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