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Depression: A Deeper Look

Did you know that depression is the second leading cause of disability worldwide? Or that in the United States, antidepressants are the most commonly prescribed drug? Yet research reveals that taking antidepressants is often no more effective than a placebo, and sometimes exceedingly dangerous. In 2009, researchers in Boston looked at more than 136,000 women between

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Podcast Episode Seven: Understanding Your Thyroid & Its Role in Your Health

Your thyroid contributes to plenty of processes within your body. But how do you know if your thyroid isn’t functioning properly, and how can you prevent issues down the line? In this episode, we are explaining the role your thyroid plays in your body – from regulating your digestion to aiding in brain development. Dr.

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Sugar Cravings

For the vast majority of human history sugar was virtually unknown. But when a Persian university refined sugar cane juice into a solid form after 600 A.D., transportation and trade of sugar became possible. Human addiction for sugar grew so voracious that it spread from Persian to Islamic to European empires, eventually driving over two

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Podcast Episode Six: Adrenal Glands, Your Body’s Secret Weapon for Managing Stress

Stress isn’t just a mental experience, it’s actually a physical response. So how do you best prepare your body to manage that stress? By taking care of your adrenal glands. These little-known glands, which sit just on top of your kidneys, are responsible for many of the hormones that keep your body and mind running

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Podcast Episode Five: The Top Factors Affecting Your Immune Health

Our best defense is a powerful offense and that powerful offense is an effective immune system. So are you setting yourself up for optimum immune health? In this episode, we are sharing how you can boost your immune system by making small but important changes every day. Making adjustments to what you eat, how you

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A Natural Approach to Auto-Immune Diseases

According to the National Institutes of Health, up to 23.5 million Americans suffer from an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune illness affects primarily the young and middle-aged and is growing at an alarming rate of between three and nine percent every year! There are more than eighty types of autoimmune diseases so far identified, with some of the most common including

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