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Four Common Health Issues That Disturb Your Sleep

There is nothing more distressing than insomnia. Sleep deprivation has many long-term negative impacts on our health and wellbeing, from a weakened immune system to depression and mood disorders, to an inability to concentrate and memory loss. Sleep disorders are also extremely common, affecting up to fifty percent of the U.S. adult population. While sleep medications […]

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Podcast Episode 103: Brain Injury Recovery with Acupuncture

Brain injuries are serious, without a doubt, but recovery from them is possible. Treatment rarely results in overnight improvement, but with patience and consistency, patients’ quality of life will improve. It’s also very important to seek medical help as soon as possible when a brain injury is suspected.  Dr. Carling specialized in treating brain injuries

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Wakeful Slumber

After a hard day at work, home or play, you go to bed, heart set on having a good night’s sleep. Then you lay there, wide awake, or semi-awake, mind going a mile a minute. You look at the clock – an hour has gone by. You toss and turn, trying to find that magical

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Podcast Episode 102: The Benefits of Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine is a healing approach that combines conventional Western medicine with complementary or alternative therapies to provide a more comprehensive approach to your health care. The goal is to address physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual aspects of the person’s well-being. It’s more patient-centered than other approaches tend to be.   In this episode,

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Podcast Episode 101: How to Keep Your Immune System Strong While Traveling

Have you ever had a trip that you were so excited for only to get sick while you’re there? We’ve all been there! So in this episode, we are sharing how you can keep your immune system strong while you’re traveling so that you can actually enjoy your trips without worrying about an illness ruining

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Podcast Episode Ninety-Nine: Why Sunscreen Isn’t Actually Good for You

Whether it’s from your parents or your doctors or the beauty magazines you’ve read, you’ve likely heard that using sunscreen is absolutely necessary before going outside and spending any time in the sun. What you might not know is that sunscreen isn’t necessarily good for you because of the chemicals it contains. Those toxins can

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Podcast Episode Ninety-Eight: What Collagen Is and Why You Need More of It

You’ve probably heard of collagen, but you might not be aware of exactly what it is and how beneficial it is to your body. These days, most people associate collagen with skin health, but you’d be surprised at all the other systems in your body that collagen can help. Collagen is so important to your

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