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Multiple Sclerosis: Eroding Health

diagnosis of multiple sclerosis sends fear racing through the veins of those dispensed with such news. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, there are approximately 400,000 individuals in the US affected by MS. Worldwide, approximately 2.1 million cases exist. Misdiagnosis is apparently quite common, however. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition of marked erosion

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Menopause: Restoring Retired Ovary Function

Part I Menopause: Restoring Retired Ovary Function When your ovaries “retire”, either naturally or surgically, we call it menopause. There is an assumption that when this occurs, that estrogen just stops. Although the levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones diminish during this time of life, no longer needed in large quantities to support reproduction, they

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The Lofty Liver

Our liver is one of the most amazing organs. When you look at it, a blob of smooth, consistent, dense material, you just can’t conceive how it can do as much as it does! Science is now saying that the liver is probably directly or immediately indirectly related to every metabolic function in the body.

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