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Love Your Liver

The liver is one of the most amazing organs. If you’ve ever seen or held a liver, it appears to be a pretty innocuous organ. It is plain, smooth, and appears to be quite uncomplicated. By contrast, the heart has an interesting array of chordae, vessels, chambers, and valves. Each part has a distinct function, […]

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Help From Your Hormones

We have an amazing substance in our body, called hormones. Hormones are regulatory substances that cause specific cells or tissues to do a prescribed function in the body. Most people when they think of hormones, they think of sex hormones (such as estrogen, progesterone or testosterone), brain hormones that effect moods (such as serotonin, norepinephrine/noradrenaline,

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Help for GERD

In the previous article we discussed GERD in relation to acid-stopping medications, the incidences and a few of the causes. In this article we will discuss some remedies. To reiterate some, it is essential that other issues are ruled out and not ignored. It is not uncommon for someone to treat what they believe is

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Hope for GERD

GERD – Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease is a growing problem effecting an estimated 100-150 million people in North America. The causes and treatments for this condition are becoming more and more controversial. Drugs which were designed for intake for only 2-8 weeks at most are given out like candy, with consumers taking them for years on

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Immune Power

We have the power to influence our immune system in its innate ability to protect us from the biological/environmental stresses that can bombard us from many directions. There are actions that we can take – good and bad – that can help determine our ability to fight viruses and other invading pathogens. As we are

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Osteoarthritis Relief

Osteoarthritis(OA), a type of arthritis characterized by the degeneration of cartilage in a joint, is one of many conditions with a seemingly hopeless prognosis.  Typically, patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis are told that cartilage simply does not regenerate, and thus they are destined for a joint replacement or other surgical intervention.  However, there is significant evidence

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Our Amazing Body

Daily, we are building a new body.  Our bodies break down ongoingly, and providing the raw materials are present, it also rebuilds itself ongoingly.  In fact, the body is broken down at a rate of 24 billion cells per day.  Hopefully, 24 billion cells are re-made every day.  What happens when it’s not?   If one

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