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Podcast Episode 125: Food Labels Can Be Misleading, So Here’s How You Should Read Them

When it comes to food labels, it can be confusing to know what you’re looking at and what it all means. Manufacturers have to label the ingredients, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have some tricks up their sleeve when it comes to making foods look and sound healthier than they actually are. In today’s

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Crucial Keys to Unlock Restful Sleep

Sleep is critical for health. You need good, quality sleep for restoration and healing, for optimal cognitive function (memory, problem-solving ability, mental clarity, learning and retaining what you learned), for mood regulation, for physical performance, weight management, cardiovascular health, immune system support, reduction of inflammation, and in general, for a long, healthy life. Not enough

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Podcast Episode 124: Foot Problems: How to Heal & Prevent Them

Bunions, plantar fasciitis, and neuropathy, oh my! If you’ve had any of these foot issues, you know that they can be a huge pain and limit your mobility (potentially causing other health problems down the road.)  Nonetheless, these issues are becoming more common, so in today’s episode we’re covering what these problems are, how to

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Podcast Episode 123: Easy Breakfast Ideas for a Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to a healthy lifestyle, breakfast is the most important meal of the day… so why, in American society, are our standard breakfast options so unhealthy?? You might be asking yourself, where do I even start if I want a healthier breakfast? Well, don’t worry because in today’s episode, Dr. Carling is sharing

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Podcast Episode 122: Achieving Optimal Nitric Oxide Levels and How It Benefits Our Health

There’s a lot of conversation around the topic of nitric oxide right now. But what is nitric oxide exactly? And what kind of role does it play in the body? In today’s episode, we’re sharing what nitric oxide is and how achieving optimal nitric oxide levels can benefit our health. From acupuncture, to breathing properly,

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Podcast Episode 121: The Pillars of Health and How a Holistic Approach Promotes Optimal Well-Being

There are several key pillars that contribute to a person’s overall health. Just like the pillars of a building, if one is broken, the entire structure becomes unstable! In today’s episode, we’re sharing what I consider to be those critical pillars of health, how they’re interconnected, and why a holistic approach is essential when it

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Life After Diagnosis

What happens if you or a loved one receives a dreaded or devastating diagnosis? First of all, take a deep breath. Just because it is potentially life-threatening, it doesn’t mean it is for you. I have known many people who were given the worst possible scenario that survived and even thrived! Even if it is

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