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Kidney Stone Prone

Kidney stones can be a painful condition, sending more than a half million people to the emergency room per year. Statistics say that 1 in 10 Americans will have a kidney stone some time in their life, although not all will bring them to the emergency room. Men are more likely than women to develop

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It Takes Guts

I have studied many different fields of medicine – from conventional medicine to many alternative forms of healing. All of them (except maybe conventional medicine), have one commonality: If you don’t fix the gut, you will never get the person well. You will always just continue to chase symptoms. In my 40 years of being

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Is Fish Oil Bad?

Recently, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (July 2013) raised concerns that an increase of plasma Omega-3 fatty acid levels in the blood may contribute to an increased risk of prostate cancer. This is in direct opposition to many, many studies which have found these healthy fats to help prevent cancer. Until this study,

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Hot Flashes

This time of year we have a lot of people fanning themselves.  Especially women.  Especially women in their 40’s and 50’s.  Even on cool days.  Why?  HOT FLASHES!  Those who experience them dread them, and those who don’t pray they never will! Our hormones today are in disgusting disarray!  Menopausal symptoms, PMS, infertility, thyroid problems,

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