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Podcast Episode Fifty-Five: The Best Treatment Options for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome can really be a debilitating disease. Also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, this disease comes with a whole host of physical symptoms that can have a huge impact on your quality of life.  While it isn’t yet known what causes chronic fatigue syndrome, there is still hope. There are things that you can

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Sugar: America’s “Achilles Heel”

In many ways, sugar is America’s “Achille’s Heel”. Even though we know it’s bad, we just can’t seem to stop ourselves from over-consuming it!  According to the CDC, one in ten Americans have type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and one in three have prediabetes. Our children are equally afflicted; approximately 20 percent of adolescents aged twelve to eighteen

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Auto-Immunity: A Natural Approach

Autoimmunity is a condition in which the body’s immune system becomes overwhelmed, causing chronic inflammation and generating autoantibodies (antibodies against “self”). The tissues affected determine which autoimmune disease a person has, such as the joints in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) or the pancreas in Type I Diabetes. Autoimmune disease overall is dramatically on the rise, with

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Podcast Episode Fifty-Three: How Nutrition Affects Your Performance – Part II

This week on VitalHealth4You, we are sharing part two of how nutrition affects your performance. Last week we shared why your nutrition really makes a difference because what you consume can either enhance your performance or hinder it. We dove into the effects of coffee, alcohol, and sugar.  This week, we are diving further into

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Podcast Episode Fifty-Two: How Nutrition Affects Your Performance – Part I

Whether you’re performing in a sports competition, on the road in the car, at your desk, or at home with your family, what you consume makes a difference. The food and drinks you put into your body will either help your performance or hinder it.  There are many signs and symptoms that your body tries

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