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When Food is Addicting

Not surprisingly, food addictions are in the top 5 of addictions and addictive behaviors. Why is food so addicting? There are many theories, mostly having nothing to do with willpower. One theory discusses the sensations of the tongue and how that affects the brain. We are all familiar with the old “sweet, sour, bitter, and […]

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Fatigue Fix

Many people are fatigued. They’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and need help. There is a fix to your fatigue, but first, we need to identify where it comes from. Many organs are involved in the mechanisms responsible for feeling vital health! We all want lots of energy. We want to go

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Restoring Health

Being healthy means being energetic, alive, and a sparkle in our eyes. It is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, but a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing. When we think of restoring health, we have to think back to what we used to feel like.  Then, want it so bad

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How to Be Well

Most people want to be well and stay well. But getting well is more than taking a medication to suppress a symptom. It is a state of wellbeing, of having the energy to do the fun things in life, and of not being restricted by health challenges. To be well is to be free of

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