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A Sea Of B’s

Once thought to be a single vitamin such as Vitamin C, the B Vitamins are a complex of chemically related compounds, always found in groupings in nature. Vitamins are extremely complex organic substances that are needed in small amounts (not mega-dose amounts), yet are essential for life. These vitamins are powerful in action, but are […]

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A Normal Headache

It seems unusual today to find someone who does not have headaches. Many consider them “normal headaches”. What is a “normal headache”? In my book, there is no such thing. Common, yes. Normal, no. As with many things today, we are confusing the “norm” with “normal”.  For example, we hear, “it is “normal” to have

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A Growing Problem

As we age we are being faced with a growing problem – health crisis in excessive proportions.  We aren’t winning the war on diseases.  We may be conquering a few battles, but we’re losing the war.  There isn’t a single disease today that over the last decade or two we’ve won.  In fact, the only

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A Body Burdened

We all carry mental and emotional burdens. But what about body burdens? The term “Body Burden” or “Toxic Burden” refers to a condition in which the body houses an accumulation of toxins from environmental and other exposures. These physiological burdens steal our energy, inhibit our ability to lose weight, interfere with proper healing and immune

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Women’s Monthly “Feel Better” Solutions

We’ve been told that PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), PMDD (pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder) and other hormonal imbalances are “normal” parts of a woman’s cycle. Yet not every woman experiences them. It is said that 80% of menstruating women have experienced one or more symptom commonly associated with menstrual disorders. That’s a lot of women! But, WHY is

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Worming Into Your Life

Part I The subject of worms, and the possibility of them effecting your life (or rather, infecting your body), sends shudders up many a spine. Worms or parasites and other opportunistic creepy crawlers like to take a free ride on any host that happens along their path. Mostly that entails rodents or wild animals, but

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