
Essential Fatty Acids

Time to demystify fats:  The subject of fats in the diet is generally full of confusion.  In this era of food focus being placed on “fat free” and “low fat” everything, we are quickly developing a nation of fat deficiencies!  How is this possible with all the obesity in the world?  Because we are eating […]

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Enhancing Energy

It seems everyone wants more energy. As our lives become increasingly busier, we want the energy to keep up with it. For some, their energy just isn’t there, even to do normal activities. So, we do whatever we can to get it up. But many times, the easy solution isn’t always the best choice. Consuming

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Different Types of Fatigue

When people talk about being tired or fatigued, it is generally called by different verbs: they refer to it as “sleepy”, tired, “sick fatigue”, physical fatigue (over work, muscle soreness), mental fatigue, just worn out, depressed, or overwhelmed. I’ve noticed in the beginning of care, people just say “I’m tired”. As care commences and they

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Can Acupuncture Really Help Weight Loss?

This is an oft-asked question. “Can acupuncture really help weight loss?” The answer is a resounding “yes!” Acupuncture can help by different means. It is not generally used as a stand-alone approach, but combined with good, sound nutrition, exercise and supplementation with food concentrates, the results can be quite pleasing. But how does acupuncture work

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