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Sacrificing Our Health

At certain times of the year, our mental and emotional stability stand out more glaringly than other times. We are now entering one of those times. As the stress of the holidays bear down on us – fervent shopping, working longer hours, kids events and expectations that commonly arise with various activities, how strong we […]

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Rethinking Weight Loss

Embarking on a weight loss program can be fraught with frustration and confusion. Some say that without exercise, you can’t lose weight. Yet many don’t lose weight exercising and are frustrated. One group says you can’t lose weight unless you are vegetarian, vegan, or eat only fruits or vegetables. Others promote low carb, eating only

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Sugar Help

So many people today suffer from sugar-related diseases.  According to NCBI as published in the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health “Consumption of added sugars has been implicated in increased risk of a variety of chronic diseases including obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as well as cognitive

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Preventive Medicine

Recently I was asked what “Preventive Medicine” really is. I realized there is confusion on the topic. So often we confuse “early intervention” with “prevention”. In my mind, there is a world of difference. Prevention is doing those activities, such as eating a healthy diet, exercising, or doing preventive therapies, with the intent of circumventing

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Over-Active Bladder Solutions

Two studies reveal acupuncture to be as effective as drugs, and without side effects for the treatment of over-active bladder (OAB). Two research teams: the first a combination of Whipps Cross University Hospital and University College of London Hospital, and the Second, Department of Urology in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang College of Traditional

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