Reset Your Health: Detox Season Begins

I love this time of year! Time to get back on track from a season of indulgences, and, if we’re honest with ourselves, a year or so of indulgences in things ‘we know better’ than to partake of. The New Year brings an opportunity to start with a clean slate. It gives us an opportunity to re-evaluate what is of priority. Since we only get one body for our lifetime, many people choose their health as one of their priorities and try again to keep it as a priority.

One thing that fits this time of year and getting to start with a clean slate, is the need to detoxify. Our bodies were designed to detoxify from poisons in the environment of thousands of years ago. However, it wasn’t designed to deal with today’s barrage of poisons: forever poisons, concentrated poisons, petrochemicals in thousands of configurations and micro-plastics. The onslaught of poisons are beyond the human body’s capabilities, and left to its own, without additional support, results in a continuation of deterioration as a result of these insults.

When calculating toxic load, the EPA,  FDA, USDA, etc. cannot possibly factor in all of the combination of chemicals we may ingest or come in contact with: The bio-accumulation, long half-life, additive effects of multiple chemicals, synergistic effects (when a combination of chemicals produces a health effect greater than the sum of their individual effects), aggregate exposure (similar exposures from multiple sources), cumulative exposures, persistence in the environment or in the body, and food chain accumulation.

With all this in mind, it is my opinion that we must help our bodies deal with this load. Detoxification is one way to do that (another way is to eat “clean”, but even then, due to air and water, we still need to help the body). 

Not all programs are the same. A good detoxification (a.k.a. “detox”, “purification”, “cleanse”) includes nourishing the body while cleansing it – giving it the nutritional resources it needs to do the job. This time of year, I like to start with a 28 Day Purification. My favorite company for the best detoxification protocol I have found in 45 years of practice, now allows the public to order a kit through just a website link. This link to the company is now on our website, Click “Order Standard Process,” then “Buy Products” at the top. Once there, search for “28 Day Detox Balance” and the kit will come up (choice of 2 flavors). Everything you need, including a detailed instruction booklet comes with the kit.

Having said that, if we don’t know you or your history, we don’t know if it’s a good idea for you personally. It may be wise to check with a natural healthcare professional to see if it is. It is safe for the greatest percentage of the population, but if your health history is complicated, you may consider getting professional direction.

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©2025 Holly A. Carling, O.M.D., L.Ac., Ph.D.

Picture of Dr. Holly Carling

Dr. Holly Carling

Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with nearly four decades of experience. Dr. Carling is a “Health Detective,” she looks beyond your symptom picture and investigates WHY you are experiencing your symptoms in the first place. Dr. Carling considers herself a “professional student” – she has attended more than 600 post-secondary education courses related to health and healing. Dr. Carling gives lectures here in the U.S. and internationally and has been noted as the “Doctor’s Doctor”. When other healthcare practitioners hit a roadblock when treating their patients nutritionally, Dr. Carling is who they call. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic.

Medical/Health Disclaimer:

The information provided in this article or podcast should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this article or podcast. Readers/listeners should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author, but readers/listeners who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries.

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