Perfect Formula for Illness

What makes us sick?  We do, and during the holidays we do even more of all the “right” things to make us sick. If we want to be well, we need to moderate the formula for a perfect illness.

On the top of the list is stress. Stress is interpreted by the body as a fight or flight response. The body shuts down everything not needed to either fight or flee: digestion, immune function and many others. When you are stressed your immune system is down. The more stressed you are, the weaker it is.  If that were the only problem, then you could probably still manage without getting sick.

However, that’s when you also eat the poorest.  Due to the frenzied race for getting the best Christmas gifts, going to parties and social events, maybe even participating in a Christmas program or two, meals become second fiddle.  Eating at fast foods places, restaurants or grabbing quick microwavable foods become the norm during this time, rather than the exception.  These foods are generally poor in nutritional quality.  During stressful times, the need for quality foods increases, as nutritional demands by the body increases.  Yet, instead, we eat dead foods, or we skip meals and expect to have the life and vitality so needed at this time.  Add to that the extra sugar, also an immune-suppressant and viola! Disease results.

Then, we have weather. In Oriental Medicine, cold, wet weather is deemed one of the “6 Evils” that contribute to poor health. Your body’s protective energies get dulled (also called weakened immunity). Two of the most important ways to guard your “protective Qi” is to wear clothing that keeps your back (specifically kidney area) warm and wear a neck scarf any time you are out doors or cool air is blowing on your neck.

Two immune – helpful things that tend to get dropped out during this time is exercise and health care. During the time it’s needed the most, people cut back on their treatments that keep the immune system functioning best (in addition to reducing their other symptoms). These treatments include acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, nutritional counseling, etc. When the body is stressed, the physiology of the body is stressed, leaving you more prone to illness.  This is not the time to cut back treatments!  Exercise also gets cut back. Exercise is also helpful to improving general health, as well as the immune system. But because everyone is so busy they just say “I don’t have the time”. This, combined with the other factors equate to the perfect formula for illness!

So the next time you are sick and asking in dismay “Why am I sick? I don’t have time for this?”, remember that you didn’t take the time to be well!

© 2009 Holly A. Carling, O.M.D., L.Ac., Ph.D.

Picture of Dr. Holly Carling

Dr. Holly Carling

Dr. Holly Carling is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Naturopathy, Clinical Nutritionist and Master Herbologist with nearly four decades of experience. Dr. Carling is a “Health Detective,” she looks beyond your symptom picture and investigates WHY you are experiencing your symptoms in the first place. Dr. Carling considers herself a “professional student” – she has attended more than 600 post-secondary education courses related to health and healing. Dr. Carling gives lectures here in the U.S. and internationally and has been noted as the “Doctor’s Doctor”. When other healthcare practitioners hit a roadblock when treating their patients nutritionally, Dr. Carling is who they call. Dr. Carling is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements in her Coeur d’ Alene clinic.

Medical/Health Disclaimer:

The information provided in this article or podcast should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this article or podcast. Readers/listeners should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author, but readers/listeners who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries.

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