4 Tips for a Healthier New Year

Want to start the New Year with more energy, vitality and success? Here are 4 powerful, actionable tips to help you do just that!

First, the New Year gives us time for REFLECTION. How did we do last year? What are some things we did right? What are we proud of? Next, what are some things that we could do better this year and how will it benefit us? By reflecting on our past, we will be better prepared for our future. Take some quiet time and write some things down.

Second, is CONNECTION. Humans are designed to be connected to others and our lives are built on it. There are family connections, friendship connections and work connections. Think about who you are connected to in your life. Is there room for more connections? Are the connections you have where you want them to be? There is no right answer, it’s just information that you can use to have a more fulfilling life. In a study titled, “The Connection Prescription: Using the Power of Social Interactions and the Deep Desire for Connectedness to Empower Health and Wellness” from October 7th, 2015, in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, researchers found the health benefits of social connections span from enhanced mood to lower blood pressure and result in decreased mortality.

Thirdly, WATER. We need to consume half our body weight in ounces of water per day. For example, I weigh 200lbs. So I need to consume about 100 ounces of water a day. Because dehydration can reduce physical performance, reduce cognitive function and inhibit digestion, I recommend setting yourself up for success. Determine your daily water needs and get a container or containers with the correct volume of water. Keep your containers close by throughout the day. As you become more aware of your water intake, it will become a good habit. A side note, we don’t recommend consuming more than 100 ounces of water a day in total.

Fourth, WALKING. Walking is so good for us, it’s hard to believe that it’s free! We are bipeds and we are designed to move. Walking for just 10 minutes, three times a week can be transformational. Walking motion helps to encourage the lymph system to circulate more quickly and that accelerates healing.

Do you have a health concern that you would like to resolve? We’ve helped thousands of people just like you feel more energy, reverse diseases and come to life with more joy. You deserve the best, so call today and get started on having the best year ever! We got you.

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©2025 Vital Health

Picture of Gregory Anderton

Gregory Anderton

Greg Anderton holds a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and is a Licensed Acupuncturist. He is additionally trained in Clinical Nutrition and Herbal Medicine. He has over 20 years of experience in natural medicine. Greg is a “Health Detective,” he looks beyond your symptom picture and investigates WHY you are experiencing your symptoms in the first place. Greg is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements at Vital Health in Coeur d’Alene.

Medical/Health Disclaimer:

The information provided in this article should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this article. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries.

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