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Testimonials & Reviews

What Our Patients Say

Hormonal Balance, Sleep, Pain, Sinuses

"When I first came to see Dr Holly Carling, I had low level testosterone and had been dependant on synthetic testosterone for 10 - 12 years. I had not been sleeping well for 20 years. It took me a minimum of an hour to fall asleep and then I would wake every 30 minutes tossing and turning. My thumbs ached so much that I couldn't even tie my boots. I compete in triathlons and due to problems with my left knee I hadn't been able to run in 5 or 6 years. My sinuses had been plugged up for 20 years. I was also experiencing a tremendous amount of fatigue.

Now, everything is so much better. My energy level is so much higher; I feel a sense of calmness and am no longer experiencing the mood swings I experienced before. I'm feeling good again - like I used to feel 20 years ago. I now zip through my day and feel good enough to work out at the end of the day. I was very skeptical when I first came to see Dr. Carling - now I would refer anybody to her. I am so impressed with how far I have come in such a short time."

Depression and Emotional Balance

Before coming to see Dr. Carling I felt lost, to the point I couldn't do things. I wasn't capable of in depth thinking. My mind seemed so empty. I had no feelings about anything. My body was totally fatigued. I was not sleeping at all at night. I took no joy or pleasure from anything. That was very sad. I had been slowly progressing into this state for a couple of years, but I was at my worst for the 3 months before I came to see Dr. Carling. I finally decided to take some action when I reached the point where I was no longer able to take responsibility for my granddaughter.

My medical doctor put me on Zoloft and Xanax. This helped improve my sleep for the first few nights, but did not affect my depression. After the first few nights, the drugs were no longer helping with my sleep. My doctor increased my dosage, and I still did not experience any positive change. I felt drugged upon awakening and it took me a couple of hours to get going in the morning.

After only 3 treatments I began to experience emotions again. Now, only about a month into my treatments with Dr. Carling, I am feeling so much better! Before, I felt like I had no soul. Now, I feel like I am beginning to recapture a depth I didn't know was possible. Every day I notice a difference for the better. I am creating a whole new life for myself. Dr. Carling is teaching me to take care of myself - the whole me.

I appreciate Dr. Carling's kindness. She has paid complete attention to me. She has so much compassion...she listens with her whole heart. She really cares what happens to me. You don't see that too often in medicine. She has wisdom and knowledge beyond measure. Dr. Carling is one of the most gracious women I have ever met.

I am so surprised at how good I feel. I didn't think I'd be able to laugh again...and really feel it. Thank You!

Fatigue, Sugar Cravings, Pain

"Before coming to see Dr. Carling I had been experiencing neck & shoulder pain that never subsided for 3-5 years. I was feeling chronically fatigued - my sense of well being was gone. My initiative was lacking. I was experiencing a myriad of symptoms.

I have only seen Dr. Carling a few times (this is my 3rd treatment), and I am already feeling so much better!

Within four hours of my first treatment I felt completely "up". My energy level and mood were so much better. After my second treatment, I am no longer experiencing terrible sugar cravings after each meal. My joint pain is pretty much gone. My neck & shoulder pain is gone. My back spasms are gone. The inflammation I was experiencing all over my body is pretty much gone. I feel really balanced and am experiencing zero anxiety! The "brain fog" I was experiencing is gone and I feel my initiative coming back. The cough I woke up with every morning is gone.

Dr. Carling has such a calming, comforting way about her. I am feeling so much better and I was so surprised at how quickly I am feeling better."

Fatigue, Memory, Hives, Headaches, Allergies

"Before I came to see Dr. Holly Carling I had been suffering from extreme fatigue for eight years - at it's worst I had to choose whether to use what little energy I had to either eat or shower in a day. Working was out of the question. I had difficulty processing information, reasoning, and problem solving - previously these had been strengths of mine. I had significant short and long term memory loss. I had severe allergies that were progressively getting worse with each new season. I had been experiencing hives all over my arms and legs for 4 years. I felt like I was becoming allergic to my entire environment. I had been suffering from severe headaches for years and had just started having my first few migraines just before I started with Dr. Carling. The headaches were constantly there, they had become a part of my life. I had severe menstrual cramps. I was unable to deal with stress - it was debilitating. I had gained 85-90 pounds during the course of my health issues. I experienced digestive distress daily for 20 years and had been experiencing depression and anxiety that was gradually worsening.

I had seen a number of different doctors. I had tried a variety of prescription and over the counter drugs. I had tried diet modification and exercise. I thought I was eating right - I have since learned to think differently about what eating right actually is. I had tried B12 shots and a variety of different vitamin supplements. I was still progressively getting worse.

My poor health was affecting my life in so many ways. Career wise - I was stuck in a job that I could do in my sleep. There was no challenge. It did not provide financially. It was "just a job". My poor health challenged my relationships with my friends. I was no longer the same person that drew us together to become friends. My social life had become pretty much nil - which is so not me. I normally have to work hard to control my social life. I lost my passion for music - something that defined me. I could no longer handle the church and community volunteer activities I used to participate in.

Now, I am still healing - I am not 100% of where I want to be, but I am doing so much better. I am now 45 pounds lighter than when I started. I finally recognize that girl in the mirror again. I am responding to life like that person I knew. When I was sick, I was not expressive; I was "dead-pan". Now, I am full of expression and vitality again. I have a lot more energy. Working out gives me energy again (it robbed me of energy while I was sick). I am now pursuing other career opportunities. I am able to take on more responsibility and stress. I am able to think and problem solve again. I look back on some of the decisions I made while sick and can't believe the flawed logic I used. I have a social life again. I have established new relationships and met new friends. Nobody is a stranger - I can talk to anybody again. I am getting involved in music again - it is enriching my life. I feel so much better!

I value Dr. Carling's passion for knowledge and understanding. As I brought weird symptoms to her, she was able to explain WHY I was experiencing them. She gave me hope that I wouldn't have to keep suffering, that I wouldn't have to be on medications the rest of my life. I'm no longer on any medications. Dr. Carling has been respectful of me as a patient and what I bring to the healing process. She has been respectful of my financial and physical limitations. She has been careful not to overwhelm me with too much information and too much change at a time. Healing is a relationship - it is an effort from both parties. I never felt judged for my failings in the process. I have always received encouragement instead of a negative response. She is always positive. Dr. Carling has been good about taking me where I was and helping me grow.

I was surprised to learn how truly bad for you refined sugars are, and how good for you the right fats are. I was surprised to realize that a large part of it is what I eat and the detrimental chemicals in my environment. I was amazed that I could do acupuncture - I am a serious needle phobe! I have been so pleased at the speed with which all the stuff I dealt with has reversed in relation to how long I had been suffering. Thank you!"

Tension Headaches and Knee Pain

"I have been coming to Vital Health for 15 years now, and Dr. Carling has been there to help me with anything I need. Most recently she has been helping me with tension headaches I developed. They would come on in the middle of the night, around 2 or 3 am and disrupt my sleep. I had them for a month before I came in to see Dr. Carling about them. After just one treatment they were all better. That night after my treatment I slept like a baby, and I woke up feeling refreshed and energized! If the headaches try to come back now at all they are minor.

Lately she has also been helping me with my knee. I had overused it and aggravated a previous injury. There was so much swelling and pain I ended up needing to use a cane. The cane in turn ended up causing me pain in my shoulders in addition to the pain in my knee! Once again I came to Dr. Carling for treatment, and I left that visit not needing my cane! I am still healing but there is great improvement!

I love coming to see Dr. Carling because she listens. She is super-knowledgeable and always very thoughtful in her care. You get exactly what you need in order to get better. In 15 years, I couldn’t imagine a better partner in wellness and health!"

Barrett's Esophagus, Fatigue, Gut Health

"Last year (2017) I was diagnosed with severe anemia in April and Barrett’s Esophageal in October. I also had removed gluten from my diet because of lesions I was getting all over my body that were causing scars. I was taking an iron supplement that did get me out of the danger zone for anemia, but I was still very fatigued! As far as Barret’s, my Dr. said not to eat many foods and to take Prilosec everyday and they would scope every couple of years watching for cancer!

During the course of being so sick before being diagnosed with Barrett’s I had unintentionally lost 20lbs of muscle/weight and with such a limited diet was not gaining weight, looking very pasty and still very fatigued. The Prilosec was doing nothing and I was very concerned about the belching I was having that was exasperating the inflammation in my esophagus. I knew I needed to get my gut healed to help prevent anymore damage and hopefully prevent the onset of cancer! I was very discouraged with western medicine and knew I needed an alternative.

A friend mentioned I needed to see a functional medicine doctor. So my search began and here enters Dr. Holly Carling of Coeur d’Alene, ID. I was desperate and willing to try anything as well as do the long drive! I initially went to Dr. Carling for fatigue, gut issues, and Barrett’s esophagus. After an exam, testing, and taking of my history, Dr. Carling actually discovered a plethora of problems! Final assessment: Mineral, B vitamin and essential fatty acid deficiencies, digestive insufficiency, weakness, inflammation, endocrine imbalance, poor blood sugar handling mechanism, adrenal fatigue, liver overwhelm, loss of tissue integrity, probable low thyroid function and systematic inflammation! I was honestly shocked, I had been trying to cope with so many things and it just wasn’t working!

Dr. Carling went over each and every problem and assured me we can reverse everything (yes, everything, Barrett’s included) with cold pressed supplements, food changes/additions to my diet as well as acupuncture! Again, I was desperate and willing to try! I wasn’t necessarily for or against acupuncture, I really hadn’t put any thought or research into it, but I was willing to give it 6 weeks at 3 treatments a week and then decided whether to continue or not. What I know now is that acupuncture works to restore function, it encourages the body to heal itself, it causes the release of chemicals that stop pain, inflammation, swelling or muscle spasms, stimulates the immune system, improves digestive function, balances endocrine function and so much more!

In a very short time I was seeing results for things I hadn’t even come in for! I had had a stress headache everyday for two weeks and happened to ask her if acupuncture would work for it. She said “yes” and did her thing and the headache was instantly gone and hasn’t returned. I have really bad menstrual cramps and very heavy bleeding, again I asked if acupuncture could help, and of course she said “yes” and did her thing again, and yep, I have had two cycles with no pain and less bleeding. I have suffered for 15 years with a bladder that did not completely empty, causing me to get up 3-4 times in the night, but not anymore. The supplements have made my spooning fingernails from the anemia finally grow out and they are healthy, my hair has lots of new growth, my skin is smoother and not pasty looking, my lesions are gone, my stamina is getting better every day, my stomach is getting better as well, but will take more time no doubt after 20 years of scarring. I am really feeling amazing!

Dr. Carling has given me hope that other doctors could not offer. She is genuinely compassionate, sincere, engaged, and very detailed about information and recommendations! All of the office staff are kind, helpful, and thorough. I am so grateful to have found Dr. Carling! Don’t let money, distance or time prevent you from getting the help you need! Your body can only handle so much, don’t become desperate or sicker than you need to be!"

Curved Back to Cured Back

"I came to see Dr. Carling because I had a curved back. I had already been seeing a chiropractor and getting massages, but I was afraid I would have to go in for back surgery. I came in for acupuncture to try to get my muscles to release and alleviate some of the pain it was causing. I would also get occasional migraines, and those would lay me out for two to three days each time. My energy was lacking and all I could do would be to make it through a day of work and then I’d be done.

Since seeing Dr. Carling my spine has realigned itself and gotten straightened out, and I was able to avoid the surgery and medications like I wanted. My back is 100% better, and if I get migraines at all they are minimal and mild. Energy-wise now I can go to work all day, and then keep going! When I’m done working for the day I get so much more accomplished. I knew coming in that the acupuncture treatments would help release my muscles, but I was shocked at how completely and quickly it shut down my back pain!

I appreciate the ongoing support Dr. Carling provides me, wherever I’m at in my life. She helps me with anything I need, from my energy ebbs and flows, to more recently combatting sugar cravings. I am thrilled with the supplements; they are real food my body can actually digest and utilize, instead of something that will pass right through me. I love all of the people here, and the staff. Thank you Vital Health!"

She Saved My Life

"When I first came to Vital Health to see Dr. Carling I had been suffering from acid reflux for over 20 years. She came highly recommended to me by a friend who had read Dr. Carling’s articles in the paper for years and knew she could help me.

Before Dr. Carling, I had been going to see a gastroenterologist who told me I had gastroparesis, caused by the Prevacid they had put me on for over 10 years. My reflux kept getting worse and worse, and every time it came back their solution was just to give me more Prevacid. After years of this it had destroyed my own natural stomach acid. Eventually my gastroenterologist suggested a “soda cracker” diet. The diet was nothing more than soda crackers and high sugar soda pop. If there were any vegetables they had to be cooked to death, and absolutely no raw veggies were allowed. “The more sugar the better” was basically the motto for this diet, and I knew if I followed this diet advice I would not survive it.

My reflux was terrible and I knew I needed a change. I was terribly nauseous, and sometimes my stomach would burn so bad it would lead to vomiting. I was losing sleep over it, and eventually I started to lose my voice from the reflux, which for a singer like me is a big deal.

Dr. Carling saved my life. I know that other diet would have killed me. The diet she recommended, the supplements, and the acupuncture treatments all work wonders. The supplements especially are remarkable, I can really tell the difference when I take them or not, and they really work. Over the course of my time here I’ve lost 30lbs, and my colonoscopy I had done two years after starting came back completely clean!

I appreciate Dr. Carling because she listens. She works on anything I need her to, and makes adjustments as needed. At first I was surprised her treatments worked, but I thoroughly believe in Holly. I believe in what she does because it works."

Neck Pain Relief

"Before I came to See Dr. Carling, I was suffering from several health issues. The most severe was a pinched nerve, and Spinal Stenosis pain in my neck. I had been dealing with this issue for about 12 years, and I could hardly move due to the pain.

A friend suggested acupuncture for my symptoms. Acupuncture is not something that I had ever thought of as a treatment option for my neck pain, but I thought I’d give it a try. I had been told that surgery was the recommended form of treatment, and knew people that had the surgery, and it had been an unsuccessful route for them. This was not something that I was willing to try.

Once I began treatment with Dr. Carling, I was amazed to find out that she was able to help me not only with my neck pain, but with the other health issues I had as well. She has worked wonders with the arthritis in my thumbs, numbness and tingling in my feet, hot flashes, stuffy nose, and cold symptoms. I no longer need to take Tylenol and Advil to manage my pain.

I am planning a trip to Iceland, Ireland, and Scotland soon, and am excited knowing that I will be able to enjoy this trip, and not worry about not being able to walk, or have the pain in my neck.

My husband has noticed that I am pain free, and that I am able to help around the house more. I’m also enjoying taking walks in Farragut State Park. We’re looking forward to more trips that we have planned. We’ll be going to the Calgary Stampede, Banff, and Glacier National Park. I feel like I can do so much more now that I am pain free. A nice side benefit is that I have lost 17 pounds!

Again, I never thought acupuncture could help me. I’m so glad that my friend suggested I try it. Dr. Carling has been amazing. When I say something to her, she truly listens and hears what I say. I’ve been very pleased with my progress and experience with Dr. Carling and Vital Health."


"In the beginning, I came to see Dr. Carling because of side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. These treatments had left me with no feeling in my feet for about 6 months to a year. I had extreme neuropathy. I had tried all the recommended medicinal drugs. They were not helpful at all. During this time, I found anything physical to be difficult. It totally took over my life. Walking was difficult, and I couldn’t exercise or drive.

By following the recommended protocol that Dr. Carling set up for me, I have regained the use of my feet, and am now able to walk, exercise, and drive.

Dr. Carling has also helped me with other aspect of my health. She has helped with my meniscus, and both of my shoulders have had improvement. She has addressed my allergies, and hemochromatosis, and my neck pain as well.

My stress had previously been off the charts, and the acupuncture treatments have helped immensely. The other important part of the equation is Dr. Carling, herself. I feel like I am constantly picking her brain. I consider her a friend, and someone that I can discuss anything with, or ask anything of, and she will always answer. She also has the support of an amazing, helpful staff that is cheerful, courteous, kind, and helpful."

Headaches & More

"I heard about Dr. Carling from a friend of mine. She had a great testimonial about seeing see her regarding headaches that she had been unable to resolve from other sources. I decided to see Dr. Carling because I was also suffering from debilitating headaches and was very impressed by the things that my friend had to say about her.

While talking with Dr. Carling about my headaches, we also discussed some of the other health issues that I was dealing with as well. What a pleasant surprise when I found out that she could help me with the other issues, in addition to my headaches. The anxiety and nervousness I was dealing with was very annoying. I was also having problems with my knees and blood pressure. I have been so amazed at the results I have achieved through acupuncture treatments and the whole food supplements that Dr. Carling recommended.

I have had major improvements with all my health issues, including a thyroid issue that she was able to recognize by simply noticing something about my eyebrows.

I’m so grateful that she has been able to keep me off prescription medications. I am not a fan of pharmaceuticals.

The fact that Dr. Carling is always willing to listen to my questions, and always has the answers, makes me feel like she truly cares. I know that I can trust what she tells me."

Colitis, Headaches and Food

Two years ago, I was diagnosed with colitis. The physician I was seeing wanted to do a colonoscopy. I knew people who had died during this procedure, and I was not comfortable with going through with it. The physician chose to treat it in other ways. None of it was working.

I came to see Dr. Carling and got much better very quickly. Then I fell ill again because I wasn’t eating the proper foods. Once Dr. Carling helped me to learn about proper foods, I was able to get well again. I always feel better after my acupuncture treatments.

I’ve also suffered from headaches my whole life. My physician told me they were tension, but I didn’t have stress in my life. They were intense and lasted 2 days at a time. Dr. Carling helped me realize that they were food related. I eliminated dairy and have been headache free for 10 years now.

Dr. Carling is very good about taking the time to listen. I now feel better completely except for my upper body fatigue that we are still working on. Overall, I feel better than I have in a long time. I’m in pretty good shape for being 89 years old!

Weight and Sleep Issues

I originally came in to see Dr. Carling about weight and sleep issues. These were problems that I had been dealing with my whole life. Waking up tired was a part of my daily life and if affected my work and activities.

Since coming to see Dr. Carling, I have lost weight, managed my reflux, and feel more balanced.

It has been very therapeutic to deal with someone that takes a holistic approach towards health and teaches how to stay healthy. I don’t believe in pharmaceuticals and prefer not to use them.

I would recommend Dr. Carling and her expertise to anyone who is looking to improve their health.

Extreme Depression and Anxiety

For over 10 years I had been experiencing extreme depression and anxiety. I had panic attacks, rarely wanted to get out of bed and I even had suicidal tendencies. I had lost interest in activities that I loved in the past and in life in general. I couldn’t socialize well, couldn’t work and my familial relationships were strained. I tried therapy and I tried prescription drugs, but I still struggled.

I was amazed at the immediate difference I felt when I started receiving acupuncture and took my supplements. When I skipped my treatments or my supplement dosages, it was obvious in the change of my mood for the worse.

I am doing so much better now. I appreciate Dr. Carling’s honesty, patience and willingness to help.

I Won't Trust Anyone Else with My Health

I had been experiencing pain, sleeplessness, weight problems, anxiety and heartburn for many years before I started seeing Dr. Carling. I didn’t have the energy to participate in the hobbies I had previously enjoyed. Far too often, I missed work and was irritable with my family. I had seen other doctors and tried some at-home remedies, but nothing was working.

Now, I feel so much better! I have more energy and my cognitive function is so much better. I feel like I can actually accomplish tasks (mentally and physically). I have fewer cravings. I have more patience with my children and the list goes on and on!

Dr. Holly Carling is the only practitioner I trust. Her knowledge and expertise is unsurpassed, not to mention her caring and compassion. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my health or the health of my family.

Even though I’ve been seeing Dr. Carling for years, I’m still surprised constantly by the amount of knowledge she has that she can provide at the drop of a hat!

Let's Solve This Puzzle Together!

At Vital Health we help people find clarity regarding the root causes of their health challenges and provide step-by-step guidance on what to do, and when to do it, in order to restore health naturally.