A Sea Of B’s
Once thought to be a single vitamin such as Vitamin C, the B Vitamins are a complex of chemically related compounds, always found in groupings
Knowledge is Power
We pride ourselves in our commitment to educating the public. We believe that education equals power. When you understand what your body is communicating to you, what is needed for health, what you can do to help yourself, you have power. The ability to heal is largely in your control – knowing what to do is the key.
We don’t claim to be an exhaustive resource for any of the topics we discuss. We hope to just whet your appetite for learning more, and to teach you that you do have power over your health decisions. You can only make appropriate decisions regarding your health if you have knowledge. We provide the tidbits to get you going on that journey.
Once thought to be a single vitamin such as Vitamin C, the B Vitamins are a complex of chemically related compounds, always found in groupings
If you only needed to make a few sacrifices with a promise of greater health, would you do it? For each and every change –
Vitamins are such a controversial subject today. More and more news reports are stating that vitamin supplements aren’t all that we thought they were. They
As we are first-hand witnesses to the deplorable state of health the people of this great nation is in, more and more health conscious consumers
Every day is a balancing act for our vitamins and minerals. Long recognized for their incredible necessity for health, vitamins and minerals must be supplied
On a daily basis in my practice I am reading the labels of vitamins and supplements (herein referred to as supplements) that people are consuming.
At Vital Health we help people find clarity regarding the root causes of their health challenges and provide step-by-step guidance on what to do, and when to do it, in order to restore health naturally.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 8am to 7pm
Tuesday, Thursday: 9am to 5pm
Saturday, Sunday: Closed