Don’t Let Sinus Problems Congest Your Life

Sinus congestion and other sinus problems are very common, but as with any symptom, they are a sign of deeper underlying imbalances.  Many people have compartmentalized their sinus problems, thinking they are isolated, just one problem they are bound to deal with for life.  My new patients are often surprised to hear that we have natural solutions to their sinus problems. Solutions that can provide long-term relief or, in some cases, that I expect to see their sinus symptoms resolve alongside their other health concerns.  There are numerous sinus conditions and symptoms and the underlying causes beneath most of them are often multifaceted.   

As with any condition, we invest a significant amount of time up front with our patients investigating WHY they are experiencing their symptoms.  If you have sinus problems, WHY do you have them? What is the reason? Your body isn’t trying to torture you. There is a reason or multiple reasons behind your symptoms. When the underlying reasons are identified and addressed, true resolution can occur.

Allergies are some of the most common sinus symptoms that people experience either recurrently or chronically, but they can also range from sinus infections to chronic sinusitis, and even autoimmune conditions.  In the case of allergies; is your liver function impaired leading to a build-up of histamines? Are there other offending factors contributing to an increased inflammatory and histamine response? Does your immune system need support to help it better regulate its response? Or is it some combination of, or are all of these complications a factor?  Other conditions call for similar problem solving, and our mission is to get to the bottom of it.

If you deal with sinus symptoms, I encourage you to think back to a time when you didn’t have them.  Do you know what was different then? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t, but regardless something has changed between then and now to cause your symptoms.  Whether you do or don’t know what that is, you may be like many people who are unsure they can do anything to improve.  You are not alone, we have seen countless patients come through our doors with that same feeling of helplessness over their condition, and we have been there to witness the vast majority of those patients find their way back to a state of health beyond their expectations. 

We achieve the success we do by delving deeply into our patient’s complex health challenges, and asking WHY they are occurring, to discover the underlying mechanisms.  If you are someone who is frustrated with the current state of your health and you are seeking a solution, the most important thing is that you take action.  Delaying care allows the disease process to take further root, which will most likely cause further collateral damage and ultimately require more intensive, costly care to get well.  Our goal is to turn around and reverse the disease process as soon as possible. Don’t let sinus problems congest your life. We’re here to help.

©2019 Vital Health

Picture of Jonathan M. Sasser

Jonathan M. Sasser

Jonathan M. Sasser holds a Master of Science degree in Oriental Medicine, is a Licensed Acupuncturist, and is board certified in Oriental Medicine by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. He has over 3,000 hours of training in acupuncture, classical Oriental Medicine, herbal medicine and nutrition. Additionally, Jon also holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sport’s Medicine. Jon is a “Health Detective,” he looks beyond your symptom picture and investigates WHY you are experiencing your symptoms in the first place. Jonathan is currently accepting new patients and offers natural health care services and whole food nutritional supplements at Vital Health in Coeur d’Alene.

Medical/Health Disclaimer:

The information provided in this article should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this article. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the author, but readers who fail to consult appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries.

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